Hunt The Tok Management Area

The Tok Management Area (TMA) is specially regulated to protect the harvest of trophy dall rams in the area. ADF&G uses a drawing system to ensure limited ram harvest. Permits to hunt the TMA are awarded through a random draw system and ten percent of the tags are allocated to non-residents. Non-residents must have a written agreement with a guide in order to apply.

If you apply with us and are drawn, we can guide you in the TMA for trophy rams. We also offer a discount of $2,000 off our regular hunt price if you apply through us and draw the TMA permit.

The window to apply for the hunt is November 1st through December 15th. To apply for the hunt you will need either a current year hunting license or a hunting license for the next year (which costs $160 for non-residents). The application fees are $30 and are non-refundable. You’ll also need a unique verification code and a signed agreement from me. Email me and I can get you further information.